This '27 Seagrave Suburbanite was delivered on March 19, 1927 to the John Henry Ketcham Hose Company of Dover Plains, New York. The John Henry Ketcham Hose Company was first formed in 1904 and was named after the famous Civil War General that settled there and built a three-story hotel in town in 1903. The Seagrave came out of the paint shop on March 12, 1927 as vehicle #46723. The price of this 500 GPM centrifugal pumper was $6,600 and was the first motorized vehicle the Hose Company had purchased. In 1951, the fire truck was given away because newer equipment had been purchased and there was no need for a 4th fire truck. In 1993, the fire truck was brought back to Dover Plains and faithfully restored to its original state. The fire truck is powered by a 6-cyclinder, continental heavy duty type engine that generated 70 horsepower.
The fire truck was equipped with nickel plated hand rails and the hose body was built of sheet steel and white lead was used between all joints to eliminate the possibility of rust. The hose body was then made of hard wood strips 4 inches wide, spaced 1/2 inches apart to provide for ventilation. Both magneto and battery ignition was provided with each being entirely independent of the other. Originally, the fire truck came with a solid side extension ladder of two 12-foot sections, extending to 20 feet. There was also a solid side 12-foot roof ladder with folding hooks. Two three gallon fire extinguishers and holders and 2 lanterns in regulation holders were part of the original order. Today, the fire truck has its own special heated garage adjacent to the John Henry Ketcham Hose Company station and a warning light on the building goes on if the temperature in its building drops below freezing. Everyone in Dover Plains looks for the light being on, when passing by the building in the winter months.
YatMing Road Signature Diecast No. 20128